Click here to take our Online Survey <<< This is the link to my question sheet.
Question 1 - What is your gender?
A) Male
B) Female
Question 2 - What is your age range?
A) 0 - 5
B) 6 - 11
C) 11 - 16
D) 17 - 21
E) 22 - 27
F) 28 - 33
G) 33 +
Question 3 - Do you like indie pop?
A) Yes - Im a huge fan
B) Yes - Im an occasional listener
C) No - I dont like indie pop
Question 4 - In your opinion, what are the typical conventions of a indie pop video? (visuals, colour, etc)
- Something different
- Mise en scene
- Scenery
- Confusion
- Something new
- Sadness
- Changes in mood relating to lyrics
- Darkness
- Shock
- Instruments
- Pace
- Urban culture
- Constant change, a story
- High/low key lighting
Question 5 -Which of these do you think should be stuck to typically when creating an indie pop music video? (choose all that apply)
A) Lighting
B) Colour
C) Effects
D) Transitions
E) Scenery
F) Pictures on screen
G) Other
Question 6 -What kind of shots would you expect to see in an indie pop music video?
- Shots of the band
- Shots that tell the story
- Tracking shots
- Long shots
- Close ups
- Fast paced shots
- Full shots
- Panoramic views
- Meat shots
- A variety of shots
- Pan shots
Question 7 - Do you think shots of the band and the instruments have to be used?
Question 8 - What type of music video do you prefer for the indie pop genre?
A) Amplification
B) Disjunction
C) Other
Question 9 - What would you prefer the music video to do?
A) Shock
B) Excite
C) Frighten
D) Other
Question 10 - What do you personally expect from a video in the indie pop genre?
- Sexuality, daring
- Something different
- Unique
- Confusion
- A story
- Expect the unexpected
- Shock
- Music
- Effects
- Originality
- Relation to the world and sociology
- Follows the lyrics
- Follows band image
- Multiple scenes
- Fast paced shots
- Instruments
To try and research qualitative data for my music video, I found the age range of the target audience was 17 - 21 and so i gathered a group of 5 people within this age range to talk to. The question I asked was:
'What conventions would you like to see in an Indie pop video?'
The overall group responses were such comments as:
- "I prefer to see meat shots and a quick pace including something that will shock yet excite me" - Emily
- "I prefer to see Instruments and Musicians shown frequently" - Nick
- "I enjoy to see a lot of Performance from the musicians, and scenery that involves cities and nature." - Alan
- "I like to see nature scenes such as woodland and beaches and performance involved" - Gary
- "I like to see a lot of performance and meat shots of the artist and distinct costumes" - Sally
From the comments received in this discussion I intend to show an element of excitement and shock with continuous shots within my video, involving the artist.